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In Memoriam of Tiffany Moritz and Dr. Rohit Talwani

April 16, 2024 | Jennifer Gonzales

In Memoriam: Tiffany Moritz (left) and Dr. Rohit Talwani (right)

With sorrow and fond memories, we remember Tiffany and Rohit, individuals whose dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to our cause enriched the fabric of our organization and touched the lives of countless individuals.

In Memoriam: Tiffany Moritz (1975-2024) 

Tiffany Moritz, a compassionate advocate and dedicated social worker,  passed away on January 14, 2024. Tiffany's journey with the University of Maryland's Institute of Human Virology began in January 1999, when she joined as a clinic social worker for the Evelyn Jordan Center (EJC), the HIV clinic at the time. Over the course of her tenure there from 1999 to 2003, Tiffany demonstrated unwavering commitment to serving the HIV community, earning admiration for her integrity, knowledge, and profound compassion.

Tiffany's legacy extends far beyond her years of direct service. Known for her advocacy prowess, she fearlessly championed the rights and well-being of patients, inspiring colleagues to prioritize integrity over convenience. Her mantra, echoing Ruth Bader Ginsberg's, "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made," encapsulated her belief in equity and inclusivity.

Over the next two decades, Tiffany's influence continued to grow as she transitioned into leadership roles. Her passion for educating others about the Ryan White program, which she oversaw at the University of Maryland, was evident in her dedication to mentoring colleagues and sharing her expertise in budgeting, data collection, grant writing, and navigating the complexities of leadership.

Even in her final months, Tiffany remained a beacon of strength and resilience, choosing to receive medical care at UMMS despite the challenges of a long commute. Surrounded by the love and support of her colleagues, she leaves behind an indelible mark on our programs and the lives of countless patients. As we mourn her loss, we are reminded of the significant impact she made and the profound legacy she leaves behind. Tiffany Moritz will be deeply missed, and her shoes will be hard to fill.

In her memory, the annual ID Division Staff Award will be renamed the Tiffany Mortiz Excellence in Service Award.   There will also be an annual conference held in Tiffany's memory in conjunction with the AIDS Education & Training Center in January 2025.  


In Memoriam: Dr. Rohit Talwani  (1970-2024)

Dr. Rohit Talwani, a beloved physician, esteemed educator, and cherished friend passed away on March 2, 2024. Dr. Talwani embodied brilliance, wit, and unwavering dedication throughout his remarkable career. 

A graduate of Cornell University, Dr. Talwani pursued his medical training and residency in Internal Medicine at the University of South Carolina, followed by a fellowship at Rush-Presbyterian St Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago. In 2000, he joined the Institute of Human Virology (IHV), where his fascination with the study of hepatitis became his life's work. Over the past two decades, he has propelled IHV's hepatitis program to new heights. 

Dr. Talwani's commitment to academia was matched only by his love for his colleagues, students, and staff. His leadership roles within the Division and his tenure as Chief of Infectious Diseases at Veteran’s Administration Medical Center (VAMC), Baltimore since 2018, underscores his exemplary contributions to the field. 

As we mourn the loss of our dear friend, we find solace in celebrating his legacy. Dr. Talwani's impact will be commemorated through an endowed program, honoring his dedication and service. Additionally, a celebration of life event will be held to honor Dr. Talwani’s life and contributions, providing an opportunity for his family and extended family in the ID Division to celebrate him together.  The event will be held on Friday, May 3, from 5-8 pm at Manor Hill Brewing, The Barn, 4411 Manor Hill Lane, Ellicott City, MD 21042. 

May friends and family find comfort in shared memories and uphold their legacy with pride and excellence. 


Institute of Human Virology
Jennifer Gonzales
Public Relations & Communications Manager